1968. The Noble Five - to - The One Percent
The Noble Five - to - The One Percent
Ronnie Van Zant, 20 y.o. -Allen Collins, 16y.o, - Gary Rossington,17y.o. -Bob Burns, 18y.o. - Larry Junstrom, 19y.o.
The Noble Five,
meet and ply with The Hour Glass.
In 1968 "The Hour Glass" -(The Allman Bros) had been in L.A. and released two records their, now back playing at the Comic Book Club, Bob tells us that story, of meeting Duane & Greg Allman,
and they gave them good advice. write your own songs and rehearse.
The Noble Five were a top 40 cover band, Playing the Local Live Circuit!
Teen Clubs and Dens, playing Covers of British invasion Bands!
Bob Burns says about The Noble Five, They did copy tunes and did them well!
"We Played, Doors, The Stones, The Beatles, some Blues Rock, all Copy Tunes! it was one of the best copy tune bands in the world!" says Bob.
Gene Odom says " How good were they? , Not really good!"
Larry Steele says They were Average!
"Ronnie was confident, and had a lot of stage presence and had a plan of what he wanted to do!"-Larry Steele.
In this short Video, How the Allman Bros met Phil Walden,
In March 1969 Capricorn Records and The Allman Brothers were born in Macon Georgia.
Larry Steele says Once Capricorn signed The Allman Brothers, it gave them all hope that they all could do it too!
Alan Walden says The Allmans opened the doors for everybody.
The Noble Five and The Hour Glass.
In 1968 "The Hour Glass" -(The Allman Bros) had been in L.A. and released two records their, now back playing at the Comic Book Club, Bob tells us that story, of meeting Duane & Greg Allman,
and they gave them good advice. write your own songs and rehearse.
Alex Hodges, Larry Steele, Alan Walden all talking about Capricorn Records, and the Allman Bros, and how much talent there was in the South. Rock on!
"It's been so long since I've been gone Lord I'm tired and I want to go home My throat is raw from singing the blues"
This Video. About Capricorn records, with Allman Bros, Free, One Percent , Skynyrd, interviews with Bob Burns , Alex Hodges, Alan Walden, Larry Steele, -
They changed their name to, The One Percent.
The Noble Five did Copy Tunes and did them well!
Alot of Rock'n'roll, Blues/Rock.The Doors , Stones , Beatles, Copy Tunes! People loved it! "- Bob Burns.
They changed their name to, The One Percent.
Slowly, they developed their musical talents and the gigs increased. At the very beginning, only Ronnie had reached the legal driving age and for quite a while he was the only one with a car.
Gary explained setting up for a gig, "Actually, it was always the same band - we just kept changing the name." " We used to play teen dens, church socials and stuff so the band's name didn't matter.
We used to change our name every day, just for the heck of it, because we weren't known at all."
The longest-lasting pre- Lynyrd Skynyrd name was also the last, the One Percent. In early 1968, the group saw a movie in Gainesville about the Hell's Angels and saw a slogan that appealed to them. Gary recalled,
"A couple of bikers came up, Hell's Angels, and we saw they had tattoos or patches saying `One Percent'.
That was their little logo - one percent of the world is bikers you know.
We thought that was cool, so we changed to the One Percent like we were bad-ass biker dudes or something."
The One Percent lasted for more than a year.
"We'd play anything on the radio, `Satisfaction', `Day Tripper' - we were into Yardbirds, Blues Magoos.
We used to play at clubs at night and go to school during the day.
They called us a psychedelic band and it was hard for us to get work at dances because people wanted Top-40.
After about four years playing at parties, playing anywhere we could, we were making about twenty dollars a week."
"Allen was really Loud and when you came in a room you would know it , he would knock stuff over." - Gary
"Besides Bob Burns, Allen was the next craziest person on the face of this earth!"- Larry
"Allen used to sniff glue, He could put a model Airplane together with his Breath!" - Larry Junstrom
"Everyone used to take speed back then.it was hard keeping a girlfriend or going to school. We just wanted to to play guitar all night."
"Allen and i used say , I wish we could get thrown in jail so we could play our guitars all night."
"Teen Dens and Garages! music music , Guitar Guitar. thats all we thought you know" - Gary Rossington.
The One Percent.
There is Evidence that they were called:
The Pretty Ones, The Noble Five, The One Percent, and Lynard Skynard and Lynyrd Skynyrd.
They are the only names that the band went by! that we have proof of.
There is no evidence that they were ever called "My Backyard"
On the Contrary:
Larry Steele, remembers The Allman Brothers band "The Hour Glass'" ex bass Player, Peter Carr returning to the Comic book Club in 1968 with his new band, "My Back Yard".
Peter Carr, was later, one of the Swampers!
"It was around Christmas, 1968, when former Hour Glass bassist, Pete Carr, also returned to the Comic Book, with his new band, “My Back Yard.”
Pete had been playing guitar long before playing bass for the Hour Glass, and was now back on guitar for this latest, Alabama-based project.
This too was a good band, as I recall, but after only two nights they were gone, never to be heard from again. Pete would eventually end up back in Muscle Shoals, as lead guitarist of the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section, amassing a long list of credits as a musician, engineer and producer." - Larry Steele.
I would really like to see some more evidence for this!
the most reliable info we have is this text above from Larry Steele.
I think a long time ago this name got mixed up with Skynyrd!
The Comic Book Club. Jacksonville.
In this Video , Capricorn Records , Alan and Phil Walden, Allman Brothers, Free!
"I think Free changed our band, More than any band in the world!" - Bob Burns.
The Band Free was as influential to Ronnie as seeing the Stones 5 years earlier.
The boys all got to see Free at a Skate rink in Jacksonville in 1969/70 (sate is unclear)
The One Percent were at the Hellhouse Practicing, and trying to write their own material, Their first gig was in October 1966, so at the end of 1968 , they have been playing together for 2 years.
The Noble Five and The Hour Glass.
In 1968 "The Hour Glass" -(The Allman Bros) had been in L.A. and released two records their, now back playing at the Comic Book Club, Bob tells us that story, of meeting Duane & Greg Allman,
and they gave them good advice. write your own songs and rehearse.
The Noble Five were a top 40 cover band, Playing the Local Live Circuit!
Teen Clubs and Dens, playing Covers of British invasion Bands!
Bob Burns says They did copy tunes and did them well!
"We Played, Doors, The Stones, The Beatles, some Blues Rock, all Copy Tunes! it was one of the best copy tune bands in the world!" says Bob.
Gene Odom says " How good were they? , Not really good!"
Larry Steele says They were Average!
"Ronnie was confident, and had a lot of stage presence and had a plan of what he wanted to do!"-Larry Steele
They Changed their name to, The One Percent,
Dean found the Cabin in the Woods to Write and rehearse ! The Hell House!
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